Est. 2011


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Olivia's First Fashion Shoot

Can you believe this girl is only 13?  What a dish.  And she's my step-sister! I really wanted to do some really pretty portraits for this little lady, notsomuch for her parents (love you guys!) but for her.  Everyone who has been there can attest that 13 is a tough age.  It's everyone's "awkward year"...and for some of us that year became more like an era!  Not so for Olivia--or as I called her, "America's Next Top Model".  I really enjoyed teaching her how to pose, how to relax her face, and especially HOW TO SMILE!  It seems to be a bit of a struggle for all the kids in this family...most kids for that matter.  You say "smile" and they give you a huge, cheesy, toothy (if not gummy!) grin.  Cute sometimes, but not for this shoot!  It was hilarious because the best, most genuine smiles I got from her happened when I talked about my husband farting in his sleep...ah, kids! 

For this shoot, I was really going for something out of an Anthropology catalogue.  Earthy, ethereal, the beautiful fairy princess I know that she is.  We found a pretty cotton sundress, a little makeup (she is a teenager, after all!) and a feather necklace from an Avatar costume that we decided to use as a hippie headband.  We had other outfits picked out as well but it was really hot and muggy and we tired out before we could get her into another outfit.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!  Love you, Livie!

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